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What Happens If You Drink Alcohol While on Eliquis and Xarelto?

If you also enjoy a glass of beer or wine after a long day’s work is a common way to unwind, but it’s natural to wonder about the impact when you’re on blood thinners. Many folks take these meds to prevent blood clots & lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes. So, what’s the deal when you mix alcohol with blood thinners? Can you still have that glass of wine with dinner? Is it okay to have a drink here and there, or is it better to skip alcohol altogether? These are valid questions, and a lot of people are curious about them. Let’s explore the facts in a way that’s easy to understand & helps you make informed choices about enjoying a drink while on blood thinners, either with Eliquis tablets or Xarelto.

What Is Eliquis?

Eliquis is a medication that helps prevent blood clots. It’s known as an anticoagulant, a fancy word for blood thinner. The main ingredient in Eliquis is apixaban. It’s been around since 2012 and is used for a few important health conditions. Here’s what Eliquis does:

  • Reduces the risk of stroke and artery blockages in patients with a heart condition called nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. This is when the heart’s upper chambers don’t beat the way they should.
  • Helps prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT), a type of clot deep in your veins, usually in the legs. This is especially important for people who have had hip or knee replacement surgery, as they are more prone to getting these clots.
  • Treats DVT if it occurs.
  • Treats pulmonary embolism (PE), which happens when a clot travels to the lungs.
  • Lowers the chance of DVT and PE happening again.

Eliquis is part of a group of medicines called Factor Xa inhibitors. This group also includes Xarelto (rivaroxaban), Savaysa (edoxaban), and Arixtra (fondaparinux). These drugs work by blocking a substance in the blood called factor Xa. By doing this, they help reduce the formation of blood clots. It’s a clever way to keep the blood flowing smoothly and safely in your body.

Can You Mix Eliquis and Alcohol?

The instructions for using Eliquis, a medication, don’t specifically mention avoiding alcohol. However, it’s not a green light to start drinking. Here’s why: alcohol itself may not directly affect how Eliquis works, but there’s some evidence suggesting that having a moderate amount of alcohol might thin your blood. The American Blood Clot Association highlights a study where just one or two alcoholic drinks appeared to reduce blood clotting. Although these findings weren’t the main focus of the study, they hint that mixing alcohol and Eliquis could increase the risk of bleeding. So, while alcohol and Eliquis don’t directly interact, combining them might lead to a greater chance of bleeding due to this potential blood-thinning effect of alcohol.

Eliquis needs to be used carefully, especially when it comes to drinking alcohol. Alcohol can also thin the blood, so mixing it with Eliquis might not be safe. Your doctor is the best person to decide if you can have a little alcohol while on this medication. This caution applies not just to Eliquis but also to similar medicines like Xarelto, Savaysa, and Arixtra. Research has shown that people who drink a lot and take blood thinners often don’t manage their medication well. This can lead to serious bleeding problems more frequently than in those who don’t drink excessively. 

Also, drinking too much alcohol can harm organs like the liver, heart, and pancreas and even increase the risk of heart disease. Interestingly, if you drink more than two alcoholic drinks a day, you might raise your chances of getting blood clots. This is a bit ironic since Eliquis is supposed to lower that risk. Organizations like the American Blood Clot Association advise people with clotting disorders or heart disease to be very cautious with alcohol. Not being able to clot properly can be a big risk. Now, let’s talk about other blood thinners. How they work and if that, too, reacts with alcohol. 

What Is Xarelto?

Thinking of enjoying a few drinks at your next social gathering? If you’re on Xarelto, a prescription blood thinner used to treat & prevent blood clots, you might want to rethink that cocktail. Xarelto is often prescribed to prevent (DVT) deep vein thrombosis, a serious condition where a blood clot in a deep vein (blood vessels) can break off & block blood flow in the lungs, known as a pulmonary embolism (PE). Combining Xarelto with alcohol can potentially lead to bleeding issues. While having a drink or two in moderation is usually okay, it’s essential to chat with your doctor about your specific risks of bleeding when taking Xarelto. Let’s dive into what happens when you mix Xarelto and alcohol.

Is It Safe to Mix Alcohol with Xarelto?

To figure out if it’s okay to mix Xarelto with alcohol, let’s dive into how Xarelto works. Xarelto, or Rivaroxaban, is a type of medicine that helps with blood clot issues. It does this by putting a stop to factor Xa, a key player in the creation of blood clots. Now, alcohol, the stuff in beer, wine, and spirits, can also have an impact on your blood. Studies have found that alcohol can make your blood thinner by messing with another important protein called fibrinogen, which is all about blood clotting. In fact, one study discovered that if you drink a fair bit, like two to three drinks a day, it can lower your fibrinogen levels by about 14%. So, mixing Xarelto and alcohol might be something to think about, especially if you’re considering how they both influence your blood. Always good to stay informed!

While the official information from the FDA label about Xarelto doesn’t specifically talk about any issues when you mix it with alcohol, it’s essential to know that both Xarelto and alcohol can thin your blood. Combining two things that do the same job can be risky. Both Xarelto and alcohol may lead to bleeding problems, which can show up as symptoms like:

  • Unusual bruising
  • Bleeding gums 
  • A tendency to bruise more easily
  • Nosebleeds that occur frequently
  • Bleeding that lasts longer than usual after a cut

If you’re experiencing serious bleeding issues due to a combination of Xarelto and alcohol, you might notice the following signs:

  • Blood in the stool or urine
  • Coughing up blood, which may look like coffee grinds
  • Severe bruising that spreads to other areas
  • Menstrual bleeding that is heavier than normal
  • Headache

Can You Take Eliquis and Xarelto at the Same Time?

It’s a no-go to combine Eliquis and Xarelto. These two meds are buddies in preventing and treating blood clots, doing the same job. But teaming them up is a risky move, as it can up your chances of serious bleeding. If you’re experiencing any unwelcome side effects or noticing some bleeding action from either Eliquis or Xarelto, it’s time for a chit-chat with your healthcare provider. 

What Can You Not Mix with Eliquis?

Eliquis tablets may not get along well with NSAIDs, other blood thinners, and Paxlovid. Also, keep an eye out for St. John’s wort, specific antiseizure medications, and diltiazem, as they can mess with Eliquis levels. Mixing these could be risky, potentially leading to blood clots or serious bleeding events. It’s essential to be cautious about combining Eliquis with these medications to ensure your safety.

How Much Alcohol Is Safe to Drink While Taking Xarelto?

It’s generally okay to have a drink or two while you’re on Xarelto, but it’s crucial to keep it moderate. If you’re a woman, one drink a day is usually fine, and for men, two drinks within 24 hours should be the limit. However, it’s important not to go beyond these amounts or drink heavily for more than a couple of consecutive days. Alcohol intake in a heavy amount can increase the risk of serious bleeding issues when combined with Xarelto. So, enjoy in moderation for a safer experience!

Is Xarelto Hard on the Liver?

Xarelto mainly works through the liver. That’s why it’s not the best choice for people with serious liver conditions, especially if these conditions affect the blood’s ability to clot properly. If someone with severe liver issues takes Xarelto, they could face a higher chance of bleeding. Though it’s uncommon, Xarelto can sometimes directly harm the liver.

How Long Does Eliquis Stay in Your Body?

Eliquis usually takes about 1 to 2 days to wear off after you stop taking it. However, it’s still possible to experience bleeding during this time.

If you’re planning to undergo surgery or any procedure where bleeding could be a concern, your doctor might advise you to pause Eliquis about a day or two before. This break allows your body enough time to process and remove Eliquis. It’s really important to follow your doctor’s directions closely on when to stop and restart Eliquis. Remember, you shouldn’t decide to stop Eliquis on your own—make sure to do it with your doctor’s approval.

Is Xarelto Safe to Take for a Long Time?

Absolutely, taking Rivaroxaban for the long haul is generally considered safe. From what we understand, using it over many months or even years doesn’t lead to any serious negative effects. So, if you’re prescribed Xarelto, you can feel reassured about its safety over time.

How Long Can You Remain on Xarelto (Rivaroxaban)?

Here are the conditions and length of treatment that describe how long you will stay on Rivaroxaban:

  1. After Knee Replacement Surgery: Just 12 days.
  2. After Hip Replacement Surgery: 35 days.
  3. After a Recent Hospital Stay: Anywhere between 31 to 39 days.
  4. For Treating Clots (DVT or PE): A solid three months, at least.

Is Xarelto or Eliquis More Effective?

Researchers recently looked closely at two drugs, Eliquis & Xarelto, which are used to dissolve blood clots in a condition called acute venous thromboembolism (VTE). They found that both drugs work well, but Eliquis might be a bit safer. People taking Xarelto had more bleeding issues, both major and minor ones. The Annals of Internal Medicine published a study that revealed that people on Xarelto not only bled more but also had more clots and strokes.

Another research piece in JAMA focusing on older adults showed similar findings; those who took Xarelto experienced more clotting and bleeding compared to those on Eliquis.

Another study compared Eliquis and Xarelto with two other blood thinners, Pradaxa and Coumadin. The researchers found that Eliquis was the best in terms of effectiveness, safety, and how well patients could stick to their treatment plan.

In 2022, the University of Pennsylvania conducted a trial with patients who had a heart condition called atrial fibrillation, along with another heart problem. They discovered that Eliquis nearly halved the risk of blood clots compared to Xarelto. Choosing the right medication can be overwhelming, especially with all the advertisements and opinions from friends and family. However, it’s crucial to remember that your healthcare provider is the best person to decide which drug is right for you. They consider your overall health, medical history, and other medications you might be taking that could interact with Eliquis or Xarelto, and they can suggest to you some of the best Canadian online pharmacy to buy these medications easily.

Bottoms up?

Still thinking about having a drink while on blood thinners? Hold that thought. It’s really important to know the risks and side effects of mixing alcohol with Xarelto. If you’re unsure or have questions, it’s a smart move to talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Now, about Eliquis: its guidelines don’t specifically say “no” to alcohol, but everyone’s different. Your body’s reaction to Eliquis and alcohol can vary based on many things. Remember, drinking a lot over a long time may lead to severe health issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and even strokes. So, what should you do? Definitely check in with your healthcare provider. They’ll look at your health history, any risks you might have, other health issues, and any other meds you’re taking. After considering all this, they’ll tell you whether it’s okay to have a drink now and then or better to steer clear of alcohol completely.

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