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Type 1 Diabetes: Understand the Facts?

Type 1 Diabetes; Understand the Facts?

Type 2 diabetes is a more common form of diabetes but people have also been known to suffer from type 1 diabetes. What’s it and how can it be treated?

What it is

Our bodies typically convert food to glucose which is supported by insulin into our cells to be used as an energy source. People that have type 1 diabetes are not able to produce enough insulin. The absence of insulin produces a result in the build up of glucose in the blood which in turn could lead to damages to the blood vessels and other areas of the body. This is also occasionally known as juvenile diabetes but grown-ups can be diagnosed with the illness too. The other term for it’s insulin dependent diabetes because people with the condition have to depend on external insulin sources for life.

Causes, Symptoms, Complications

As with type 2 diabetes, the causes of type 1 diabetes aren’t completely known but hereditary factors may also be responsible. Both types of diabetes also have some of the same symptoms which include but aren’t limited to frequent urination, constant thirst, frequent hunger and fatigue. Type 1 diabetes can also alike lead to heart problems, stroke, blindness, nerve deterioration and kidney troubles. It’s important to note that there’s presently no cure for type 1 diabetes.

What are the differences between both Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes?

While Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes are both forms of diabetes mellitus (as opposed to diabetes insipidus) that lead to hyperglycemia ( high blood sugar), they’re distinct from each other.

With Type 2 diabetes (T2D), the pancreas does not produce enough insulin and the body doesn’t always use that insulin as it should — generally due to insulin resistance. Life factors, including over weight and a lack of exercise, can contribute to the development of Type 2diabetes as well as hereditary factors.

The in case of Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas is not able to produce any insulin at all. It’s caused by an autoimmune response.

Type 2 diabetes generally affects elderly people, though it’s getting more common in children. Type 1 diabetes generally develops in children or youthful grown-ups, but people of any age can get it.

Type 2 diabetes has become much more common than Type 1 diabetes in today’s society.

Type 1 Diabetes

Who does Type 1 diabetes affect?

Anyone at any age can develop Type 1 diabetes (T1D), though the most common age at a positive screening is between the ages of 4 to 6 and in the early stages of puberty (10 to 14 years old).

In the United States, people who Arenon-Hispanic white are most likely to get Type 1 diabetes, and it affects people assigned feminine at birth and people assigned masculine at birth virtually the same.

While you don’t have to have a family member with Type 1 diabetes to develop the condition, having a first- degree family member (parent or direct family member) with Type 1 diabetes increases your threat of developing it.


Type 1 diabetes may not precisely result in bouts of elevated blood sugar situations but low situations as well. An occasion of low blood sugar level is generally known as hypoglycemia. This happens when there’s extra insulin and lower sugar in the body. Sugar situations may drop if incorrect quantities of insulin are taken or if a person exerts too much bodily exertion.

You would know if you’re having hypoglycemia if you suddenly lose attention, feel fatigued and feel like passing out. Sweating and quivering may also be signs of hypoglycemia. When this happens, you may need to eat or drink something sweet .However, your companion may need to inject medicine, If you pass out.

Type 1 Diabetes


Even though type 1 diabetes doesn’t currently have a cure, people that have this condition can still live normal lives. The biggest first line of treatment is insulin medicine. Your medical professional will instruct you on the proper time and quantity to take. Occasionally your endocrinologist or dietician may also educate you how to count carbohydrates in your diet. Counting carbohydrates will help you determine the right quantity of short acting insulin to take ahead of eating. A different kind of insulin may also be taken at night before sleeping to regulate glucose situations.

Apart from insulin a type 1 diabetes person may also be asked to plan regulated diets and perform exercise programs. Your licensed dietician will be the most qualified judge of what you should or shouldn’t eat. You may be asked to eat additional vegetables, some fruits and whole granular foods.

Exercise may also help with your type 1 diabetes condition since physical exertion can budge glucose into cells. Your medical professional may also ask you to regulate stress factors. has a large selection of many types of insulin, such as Humalog, Ozempic, Lantus, and many more.  Contact us today.

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