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FDA Approves Saxenda for Treating Obesity in Adolescents

Saxenda for Treating Obesity

Obesity is a growing health crisis worldwide, affecting both adults and adolescents. In a significant development, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Saxenda injection 3 mg for the management of obesity in adolescents aged 12–17 years. This approval marks a crucial milestone, as Saxenda becomes the first FDA-approved therapy for adolescent obesity in more than a decade. In this article, we will deeply dig into how Saxenda plays a crucial role in treating childhood obesity. We will also converse about the safety and efficacy of Saxenda injections and how to address the challenges and considerations of managing childhood obesity with the help of clinical evidence. In addition, you can buy Saxenda online to help your child maintain a healthy body weight.

The Need for Adolescent Obesity Treatment

Over the last two decades, the global presence of children and adolescents with excess weight has surged. The WHO reports state that in 2022, over 390 million children and adolescents aged 5–19 years were overweight worldwide, including 160 million with obesity. It can lead to various health problems like high blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and psychological issues, for example, depression and low self-esteem.

However, treatment options for adolescents have been limited, raising the need for additional strategies to address their obesity. As a significant step towards addressing the concern of adolescent obesity, the FDA’s recent approval of Saxenda for this age group has brought a ray of hope.

The Role of Saxenda in Managing Obesity in Adolescents

Saxenda contains liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) that regulates appetite, glucose metabolism, and insulin secretion. By boosting feelings of fullness and reducing food intake, it aids in weight loss. Saxenda injections are prescribed alongside a reduced-calorie meal plan and increased physical activity. It complements lifestyle modifications to achieve sustainable weight loss. In addition to its primary mechanism of enhancing feelings of fullness and reducing food intake, Saxenda offers several additional benefits in managing obesity in adolescents:

  • Saxenda not only aids in weight loss but also improves blood sugar levels, insulin sensitivity, and lipid profiles. 
  • Saxenda can help prevent cardiovascular diseases associated with obesity, such as hypertension, heart disease, and stroke, by improving weight loss and metabolic health.
  • Weight loss and improved body image may contribute to adolescents’ psychological well-being and quality of life when using Saxenda.
  • Saxenda can help adolescents achieve and maintain long-term weight loss when injected in combination with dietary modifications and increased physical activity. 
  • Saxenda’s flexible treatment approach allows healthcare providers to personalize dosing based on each patient’s response and tolerance. 

FDA Approval of Saxenda for Adolescent Obesity

In December 2020, Novo Nordisk revealed that the FDA authorized a new label for the Saxenda (liraglutide) injection of 3 mg. This approval extended its usage to include the treatment of overweight and obesity in adolescents aged 12–17 years, provided they have a bodyweight exceeding 60 kg and a starting body mass index (BMI) equivalent to or greater than 30 kg/m2, aligning with criteria for adults. Saxenda injections are recommended as an adjunct to reduced-calorie meals and increased physical activity.

The FDA approval was based on data from a double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine. In the survey, Saxenda was found to be safe and effective as a treatment for obese adolescents. In this 56-week clinical trial, Saxenda was compared to a placebo for weight management in 251 patients aged 12–17 living with obesity. 

In this study, the primary outcome was Body Mass Index- Standard Deviation Score (BMI-SDS) at week 56. The trial demonstrated significant reductions in BMI-SDS, BMI, mean body weight, and other weight-related endpoints in adolescents using Saxenda as an adjunct to lifestyle therapy. The safety profile of Saxenda injections in children was identical to that seen in adults. 

Addressing the Challenges and Considerations

While Saxenda offers a promising option for treating adolescent obesity, it’s essential to address various challenges and considerations to ensure secure and effective use. Some of the most important challenges are:

  1. Concerns Over Safety: Although Saxenda is approved to treat adolescent obesity, there are potential safety concerns to consider. As adolescents are still growing and developing, Saxenda may have unknown long-term effects. It is important to monitor any adverse reactions or side effects.
  2. Changes in Lifestyle: Saxenda is prescribed with lifestyle changes such as a reduced-calorie meal plan and increased physical activity. Both adolescents and their families need to be committed and motivated to adhere to these changes.
  3. Cost & Affordability: Saxenda may not always be affordable or accessible to some families. Some insurance plans do not cover the medication, making it inaccessible for some people. In some areas, it might not be easy to find healthcare providers knowledgeable about prescribing Saxenda to adolescents.
  4. Support for Mental Health: In addition to helping with the physical aspect of obesity, Saxenda addresses the psychological aspects as well. Teenagers with obesity often experience anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. To address these concerns alongside Saxenda treatment, comprehensive support, including access to mental health services, is essential.
  5. Unique Approach: Each adolescent responds to Saxenda differently. A healthcare provider should consider a patient’s medical history, lifestyle, and preferences when prescribing Saxenda. It is possible to optimize treatment outcomes and improve adherence by using a personalized approach.
  6. Long-term Maintenance: When you lose weight for the first time, maintaining it is much more difficult since it takes a lot of effort to lose weight in the first place. Monitor progress, adjust treatment as needed, and prevent weight regain by ensuring continuous support and follow-up appointments with healthcare providers.
  7. Educate and Aware: The benefits of Saxenda injections, along with their potential risks, must be explained to adolescents and their caregivers. Adolescent obesity can be effectively managed by implementing a team-based approach. 

It is important to address these challenges properly for the effective use of Saxenda in managing adolescent obesity. In addition, if you are looking to buy Saxenda online, the best Canadian online pharmacy, Polar Bear Meds, is the most reliable and affordable option for you.

The Bottom Line

Taking on a growing health threat, the FDA has approved Saxenda for the treatment of adolescent obesity. Saxenda, in conjunction with lifestyle changes, increases weight loss and improves overall health in adolescents with obesity. In order to make Saxenda injections a success, there are a number of challenges that must be addressed, including safety concerns, lifestyle changes, affordability challenges, and mental health support issues. Educating patients and caregivers about Saxenda’s benefits and risks will enable us to manage obesity better and improve the health of adolescents.

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