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FML Eye Drops

Fluorometholone is a prescription drug that comes in the form of eye drops (ophthalmic suspension). This medication is primarily used to treat the eye’s pain, swelling, and inflammation. These eye drops are only available with a medical professional’s prescription from licensed pharmacies. FML eye drops may increase the pressure inside the eye, resulting in eye problems like glaucoma or cataracts. Therefore, it is advised to take the prescribed dosage of eye drops when using them for the first time. Patients must take frequent eye exams with an eye doctor to avoid further problems.

Product Overview

FML eye drops contain the active ingredient fluorometholone, a corticosteroid used mainly for its anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties. By administering these eye drops, patients can effectively manage symptoms like swelling, redness, and itching, often resulting from the body’s reaction to irritants or autoimmune disturbances in the eye tissues. This therapeutic approach helps reduce discomfort and prevents further problems, promoting healing and maintaining eye health.

FML eye drops are usually formulated with a strength of 0.1% fluorometholone, but the strength can vary between brands. The typical dosage involves instilling one to two drops into the affected eye two to four times daily, as an eye care professional prescribes. It is suitable for adults and should be used under medical guidance to ensure safety and effectiveness. The medication works by restricting enzymes that trigger inflammatory responses within the eye tissues.

Potential side effects include temporary burning or stinging upon application, rash, and possible development of cataracts with long-term use. Patients should be cautious and consult a healthcare provider if they experience severe discomfort or visual disturbances. It is essential to adhere to prescribed dosages and not miss doses to maintain the effectiveness of the treatment. In case of an overdose, seek immediate medical attention. FML eye drops should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and direct sunlight. Always ensure the cap is tightly closed to avoid contamination. For best results, follow all guidance your doctor provides regarding the use and safety of FML eye drops.

Uses of FML Eye Drops

It is used to treat:

  • Allergic Conjunctivitis: This medication relieves itching, redness, and swelling caused by allergic reactions in the eye.
  • Iritis: Reduces inflammation in the iris.
  • Post-Operative Care: Aids in managing inflammation and protects from infection post-eye surgery.

How to Use FML Eye Drops?


Strengths and Forms

  • Flarex (Fluorometholone Acetate): 0.1%
  • FML Liquifilm (Fluorometholone Base: 0.1%
  • FML Forte (Fluorometholone Base): 0.25% 

Recommended Dosage for Different Patients

  • For Adults (18 Years and Above): Instill one drop inside your eyelids 2 to 4 times a day at the initial stage. After 24 to 48 hours, doctors might increase the dosage to 1 drop every 4 hours. Moreover, the recommended dosage for the Flarex brand is 1-2 drops four times a day. Similarly, your eye doctor will increase the dosage to 2 drops every 2 hours.  
  • For Children (2 to 17 Years): One drop in the child’s eyelids, two to four times a day. The doctor may increase the child’s dosage to 1 drop in after every 4 hours. Flarex is not recommended for children.
  • For Children (Below 2 Years): Not recommended. 

[Note: Remember these recommendations may vary depending on person to person. Discuss it with your doctor, and they’ll customize your dosage accordingly.]

How to Take It?

  • Follow every direction as prescribed in your prescription label and read all medication guides. 
  • Wash hands thoroughly before using FML eye drops.
  • Shake the bottle well just before every use.
  • Tilt the head back and pull down the lower eyelid, creating a small gap between them. Hold the dropper and squeeze a drop into the eye. 
  • Close your eyes for a few minutes.
  • Keep the index finger over the inner corner of your eye for a minute to let it absorb completely.
  • Stick to the number of eye drops advised by your doctor.
  • Do not use the medication while wearing your contact lenses, as the solution can permanently stain the lenses. 
  • Wear the contact lenses 15 minutes after using the eye drops.
  • Do not touch the tip of the dropper or place it directly on the eye, as it can infect your eye, leading to significant vision problems.

[Note: Your doctor will decide the right amount for you based on your condition, following guidelines and studies on the drug. They’ll adjust it as needed over time.]

How Does ML Eye Drops Work?

FML eye drops contain fluorometholone as their active ingredient, a corticosteroid that disrupts phospholipase A2 (an enzyme that helps create inflammation-causing substances like prostaglandins and leukotrienes). By blocking such enzymes, the medication effectively reduces the production of these mediators, decreasing inflammation and associated symptoms such as swelling, redness, and itching in the eyes. This targeted action helps relieve various inflammatory and allergic conditions affecting the eyes.

Important Safety Information

Side Effects

Common side effects of FML eye drops may include:

  • Mild eyes burning
  • Red or puffy eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Drooping eyelids
  • Increased pressure in the eyes
  • Allergic reactions
  • Eyelid swelling
  • Eye discharge
  • Excessive tears
  • Skin rash
  • Eye pain

Serious side effects of FML eye drops may include:

  • Pain behind eyes
  • Slow healing after eye surgery
  • Tunnel visions
  • Eye infection
  • Hives
  • Breathing problems
  • Seeing halos around light
  • Dilation of the pupil

[Note: This list may not cover all possible side effects. Always consult with your healthcare provider for medical advice about side effects.]


  • Eye Effects: Long-term usage of FML eye drops increases the chances of increased pressure in your eyes. This can lead to eye problems like glaucoma, cataracts, or vision loss. Visit your doctor frequently, as they will monitor your eye pressure while you take this drug.
  • Allergic Reactions: Taking fluorometholone can cause serious allergic reactions, including redness, swelling, and burning in the eyes or eyelids. In such cases, seek medical assistance immediately.
  • Pregnancy: Research done in animals has shown adverse effects on the fetus when the drug is given to the mother. While there have not been enough studies done in humans to analyze the drug’s effects on the fetus, the usage is not advised to pregnant women unless prescribed by a doctor. 
  • Nursing Women: It is not sure whether the drug passes into the breastmilk of the mother, but it may cause adverse effects in infants. Therefore, talk with a medical professional to decide if you need to stop breastfeeding or discontinue the medication. 


  • If you are allergic to the drug fluorometholone or have any other allergies, talk to an authorized pharmacist or doctor. This medication may contain certain inactive ingredients that can cause severe allergic reactions in patients. 
  • Before taking FML eye drops, brief the doctor about your medical history, especially if you have any eye infections, eye surgery, cataracts, glaucoma, myopia, or diabetes.
  • After instilling these eye drops, people might notice mild blurriness. So, avoid driving, using any machinery, or doing anything that requires alertness or clear vision. 
  • If you are undergoing any surgery, communicate properly with your doctor and tell them about the products or drugs you are using, including prescription, nonprescription drugs, and herbal drugs.
  • If you get any new eye infection or injury, consult with an eye expert whether to continue your FML eye drops or start a new medication.
  • Discuss every risk and benefit with a medical professional to avoid further problems. 
  • Make frequent visits to an eye professional to ensure that the medication is working properly and not causing any adverse reactions.
  • Patients with a history of Herpes simplex keratitis are advised caution while using these steroid medication treatments. It is important to take frequent slit lamp microscopy. 
  • FML eye drops should not be used for more than 10 days unless it is under strict ophthalmic supervision. 


  • Do not use FML eye drops if you have:
  • Hypersensitivity to any ingredient or component of the drug formulation.
  • Herpes simplex keratitis, mycobacterial infections, or ocular fungal.
  • Serious purulent untreated infections.
  • Vaccinia, varicella, and other viral cornea and conjunctiva diseases.
  • Cataracts, ophthalmic infection, and glaucoma. 
  • Fungal problems of ocular structures.
  • Tuberculosis of the eye.

Missed Dose

  • If you forget to take FML eye drops, instill the missed dose as soon as you remember. 
  • If it is almost time for your next dose, you can skip the missed dose and continue your usual dosing schedule. 
  • Talk to your doctor if you are unsure about skipping the doses.
  • Try not to take double doses just to make up for the dose that you missed. 

[Note: If you have missed a medication dose and are unsure when to take the next one, consult your doctor or pharmacist immediately.]


While there are not many serious complications of overdosing on fluorometholone, it is always a better idea to take preventive measures. So, if you accidentally take several drops of the medication in your eyes, clean it with water immediately. Do not put in any more eye drops until you feel better or it is time for the next dose. In case you notice any symptoms like redness or irritation, seek medical assistance right away. 

[Note: If you consumed more than the recommended dose, get medical help right away or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.]


  • Store the medication out of children’s reach in a locked cupboard.
  • Do not keep expired or outdated medicines.
  • Ask your doctor or pharmacist how you can dispose of any medicine when not in use.
  • Store the medication in a closed container.
  • Keep your FML eye drops in a cool place with a temperature that stays below 25°C.
  • Do not keep the eyedrops in direct light or places with moisture.
  • Do not store the medication in the bathroom or near a sink.
  • Fluorometholone eye drops may be refrigerated. Keep it from freezing.
  • Avoid leaving it in the car or on window sills.
  • Do not carry eye drop bottles in your pockets, as heat and dampness can damage the drug.
  • Do not leave the bottle or container of eyedrops open, as it can get contaminated.
  • Avoid using the medicine if you notice the contents are unusual or of a different color. 
  • Do not flush the eye drops bottle or container.
  • Read the brand’s label or storage instructions properly for detailed information. 

[Note: Discuss with your healthcare professional about the proper disposal of any unused medicine and any questions you may have regarding its storage.]

FML Eye Drops Interactions

  • Combining abametapir with Fluorometholone may result in increased levels of Fluorometholone in the blood.
  • Using Fluorometholone with abatacept heightens the possibility of side effects in the patients.
  • Mixing Fluorometholone with acarbose can increase the chances of high blood sugar.
  • The combination of Fluorometholone with aceclofenac increases the chances of stomach irritation in patients.
  • The combination of Fluorometholone with acemetacin may lead to an increased risk of stomach irritation.
  • When using another eye product alongside FML eye drops, maintain a minimum interval of 15 minutes between applying each product, as there is a likelihood of severe drug reactions.
  • Using FML eye drops concurrently with medications such as ritonavir and cobicistat (utilized for HIV treatment) can increase the risk of experiencing adverse effects.
  • Although minimal systemic absorption is expected with the topical application of ophthalmic corticosteroids, combined treatment with CYP3A inhibitors aids in increasing the risk of systemic corticosteroid-related adverse effects.
  • Fluorometholone may intensify the blood-thinning effects of Acenocoumarol.
  • Coadministration of Fluorometholone with acetohexamide can raise the risk of elevated blood sugar.
  • Fluorometholone’s interaction with acetyldigitoxin may have adverse effects.
  • Acetylsalicylic acid can elevate the risk of stomach irritation when taken with Fluorometholone.
  • The use of adalimumab with Fluorometholone may heighten the risk of adverse effects.

[Note: This isn’t a complete list, and there could be other drugs that interact with FML eye drops. Make sure to tell your doctor about any prescription, over-the-counter medicines, and herbal products you’re taking.]

FML Eye Drops Alternatives

[Note: Your doctor will choose what’s best for you. Don’t use any of these alternative medications without consulting your healthcare provider. Taking them by yourself may cause serious side effects.] 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is FML eye drops an antibiotic?

No, FML eye drops are not an antibiotic, as they are a type of corticosteroid medication specifically designed to treat eye inflammation. Unlike antibiotics, which target bacterial infections, FML drops are used to suppress immune responses in the eye that lead to swelling, redness, and discomfort. They work by restricting the release of certain substances in the body that are responsible for inflammation, thereby providing relief from the symptoms. It’s important for users to follow their healthcare provider’s instructions when using FML eye drops.

When do FML eye drops start working?

FML eye drops show their effectiveness within the 2 days after the application. However, the exact response time can vary depending on the severity and type of the eye condition being treated. For some conditions, noticeable improvements may take longer, and it might be a few weeks before the full effects are seen. It is recommended to continue using the drops as prescribed, even if symptoms begin to improve, to ensure the inflammation is fully managed. 

What happens when you suddenly stop taking FML eye drops?

If you stop using your medication, there is a high chance that your eye pain and inflammation may get worse or come back. Therefore, it is advised to always consult with your eye specialist,  as they can provide you with other treatments or suggestions that will not cause any problems. 

Is it safe to use FML eye drops for the long term? 

Using FML eye drops for an extended period requires careful monitoring due to potential risks. Prolonged use of these corticosteroid eye drops can lead to several side effects, including an increase in intraocular pressure (IOP), cataracts, eye infections, and delayed wound healing. If you are using it for a long period, regular eye pressure checks are crucial. Therefore, while FML eye drops can be effective for managing inflammation, their long-term use should be closely managed by a healthcare provider to prevent any risks.

Our Guarantee

At, we assure you the most affordable price to buy FML eye drops from Canada. Rest easy knowing that your order will be dispatched from a reputable Licensed Canada Pharmacy Online, adhering to the highest standards of quality and authenticity. Our discounted medications are shipped directly from Canada to your doorstep, ensuring a swift and secure delivery experience. To conveniently access these eye drops at a substantial cost, call us at 1-888-779-2193 toll-free.


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