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Breakthrough of the Year 2024: Obesity Meets Its Match

Wegovy Injections

Obesity is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. This epidemic poses a significant threat to public health. Despite decades of research and treatment, obesity remains a major obstacle for healthcare providers and for people who have it. In the United States alone, 70% of adults deal with excess weight, as per the National Institute of Health. However, 2024 may be the year when obesity meets its match. Recent breakthroughs in obesity research and treatment have opened up new possibilities for preventing and managing this disease. The future of obesity treatment looks promising with new GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic, Wegovy injections, and others. 

In this article, we’ll understand the challenge obesity presents and why finding effective solutions has never been more critical. We’ll also discuss those trending drugs of the year and explore how these breakthroughs are revolutionizing obesity treatment. Let’s get started!

What Is Obesity?

Obesity is when someone has a lot of body fat. It’s not the same as just being a bit heavy. To figure this out, we use a method called BMI, or Body Mass Index. If your BMI is between 25.0 and 30, you’re considered overweight. But if it’s 30.0 or more, that’s when you’re obese. It’s a serious health issue because it can lead to severe illnesses like heart problems, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. It also raises the risk of other conditions, including heart and blood vessel diseases, memory issues, kidney problems, breathing difficulties, and joint pain. These health problems are among the top reasons people might die earlier than expected, and they can be prevented. Facing obesity is a major challenge for our healthcare system in the years ahead.

Why Is Obesity Becoming an Epidemic?

Although there are lots of reasons for the obesity epidemic, these two really stand out. The first is about the food we eat. Have you noticed how everything seems to be served in huge portions these days? Everything’s super-sized, whether it’s a meal from a fast-food place or a packaged snack. And there’s this study from Cornell University that found when we’re given more food, we tend to eat more. It’s not really a shocker, right? If your plate is loaded, chances are you’ll end up eating more calories, and over time, that can lead to gaining weight, especially if eating out is your thing.

Now, onto the second big reason: the American lifestyle is getting way more sedentary. That means a lot of us spend too much time sitting down. Can you believe that up to 84% of people in the U.S. spend at least two hours a day just watching TV? This study by the American College of Cardiology showed that over 15 years, teenagers and adults are sitting more than they used to. Teens went from sitting around 7 hours a day to over 8 hours, and adults from about 5.5 hours to 6.4 hours a day. The problem with sitting too much is pretty straightforward – if we’re not moving, we’re not burning calories. And when we don’t burn off what we eat, those extra calories can lead to gaining weight.

So, between these giant meals and spending lots of time sitting around, it’s no wonder that being overweight is becoming more common and leading to what we know today as an Obesity Epidemic.

Is the Prevalence of Obesity Increasing?

It’s like an epidemic – a widespread issue that keeps growing. In the United States, obesity has become a big health problem linked to 30% to 53% of new diabetes cases in the US every year, according to the Journal of the American Heart Association. It is predicted that by 2030, almost half of all US adults might be obese, with one in four facing severe obesity, according to the National Institute of Health. These numbers highlight just how common obesity is and the severe outcomes it can lead to.

Understanding obesity isn’t simple- It’s caused by many different factors, and dealing with it requires a lot of effort over a long time. While it’s crucial to change things in our environment that lead to obesity, these changes haven’t been enough to stop the trend. That’s why finding effective ways to treat people with obesity is so crucial right now. Changing lifestyle habits can really help, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Many people don’t see enough improvement, showing just how urgent it is to find more solutions. But why is it important to find more successful solutions to manage obesity? Let’s find out!

The Urgent Need to Have Effective Obesity Treatment

While individuals need to prioritize healthy eating and lifestyle habits to tackle obesity, there are times when additional steps like medications or surgeries may be necessary. However, these options have their challenges, such as how well they work in helping someone lose weight, potential side effects, surgical risks, and the chance of the person gaining weight again after treatment.

Why Are Glp-1 Drugs Gaining Attention?

Nowadays, there’s a buzz about a different kind of treatment that might significantly reduce obesity and related health issues. These medications imitate a natural hormone found in the digestive system known as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). They’re profoundly impacting the field of medicine, making waves in popular culture and even influencing global stock markets. It’s both exciting and a bit unsettling how these drugs are having such a widespread influence.

GLP-1 receptor agonists, initially created to treat diabetes, have shown impressive results in reducing weight, with side effects that are generally easy to handle. Recent studies this year have revealed even more benefits: these drugs significantly lessen heart failure symptoms and lower the chances of heart attacks and strokes. This is the strongest proof that these medications offer substantial health advantages beyond helping with weight loss. Because of these impressive findings, Science has named GLP-1 drugs as the Breakthrough of the Year. Further, we’ll read about the most popular weight loss drugs currently available and evaluate how well they work.

Top Weight-Loss Drugs of 2024

Before we learn about the most popular weight-loss medications, let’s understand how doctors decide who should use them. It all starts with BMI or Body Mass Index. Generally, these medications are recommended for individuals with a BMI of 30 or more. However, if someone has a BMI of 27 or more and also faces health issues related to their weight, they can also be considered for these drugs. This approach ensures that the treatment is tailored to those who need it most.


This new drug for obesity, called semaglutide 2.4 mg, is given as a shot under the skin once a week. Wegovy injections are approved for weight management in adults. It belongs to the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists class and is designed to help with weight loss. Recent research has demonstrated its remarkable effectiveness in this regard. In a prominent study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2021, when combined with a diet that has fewer calories and regular physical activity, it helps patients lose an average of 9.6% to 17.4% of their starting body weight by the 68th week of treatment. Additionally, it also leads to improvements in heart and metabolism health, as well as psychological well-being.


This medicine contains the main active ingredient called tirzepatide. This substance does two important things: it helps lower blood sugar levels and makes you feel less hungry. Zepbound is used to help adults who are overweight or obese and have health problems related to their weight. It’s given as a shot under the skin once a week and should be used along with a healthy diet and exercise. 

Studies have shown that Zepbound can help people lose up to 26.6% of their body weight. Also, a recent study published by the company Elly Lilly in the Journal Hypertension found that Zepbound can also lower blood pressure in people who are obese. However, like any medicine, it can have some side effects. These may include feeling sick, diarrhea, stomach pain, or even losing hair.

Ozempic for weight loss

Also known as semaglutide, ozempic gained FDA approval in 2017 as a treatment for adults with type 2 diabetes. This medication emulates a natural hormone, signaling the brain to induce feelings of fullness and slowing down digestion, akin to the effects of bariatric surgery. Ozempic’s long-term use commonly results in weight loss as a side benefit.

Recent research demonstrates Ozempic’s effectiveness in weight loss. A noteworthy study published by the National Institute of Health in 2021 revealed that semaglutide led to a remarkable 15% reduction in body weight when administered at a higher dose compared to a placebo, proving its potential for substantial weight loss. This finding underscores Ozempic as a productive option in addressing weight-related health concerns.


It is a brand new type of medication that works differently than existing drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy. Instead of just targeting one receptor in the body, Mounjaro activates two receptors at the same time, and that’s why it’s called a ‘dual-agonist.’ This special approach seems to help people lose even more weight when they use Mounjaro compared to single-agonist medications.

These receptors are like switches in the body that release hormones controlling blood sugar levels and making you feel less hungry, which helps with weight loss. The two receptors are called GLP-1 and GIP. Ozempic and Wegovy activate only the GLP-1 receptor, while Mounjaro activates both GLP-1 and GIP. The results from the Mounjaro clinical trials have been really surprising. People who used the highest dose of Mounjaro, which is 15 milligrams, lost as much as 21% of their body weight. This is a remarkable amount of weight loss! And at the same time, they were able to manage their diabetes symptoms effectively.


Liraglutide is a medication that you need to inject every day. It works by affecting certain hormones in the gut that send messages to the brain, telling it to make you feel full faster and reducing your feelings of hunger. The recommended daily doses of this medication range from 0.6 mg to 3 mg.

Saxenda, which contains liraglutide, helps with weight management, but its effectiveness can vary from person to person. It depends on factors like your commitment to making lifestyle changes and taking the medication as directed. In clinical studies, people who completed the trial and made lifestyle changes lost about 9% of their body weight after 56 weeks. But it’s even better for some people: around 15% of those taking Saxenda lost up to 15% of their starting weight, and 1 in 3 people on Saxenda achieved significant weight loss of 10% or more.

Which Is the Best Weight Loss Prescription Medication?

Semaglutide has been found to help people lose a significant amount of weight. We have many studies to prove this published by NIH. A study in 2022 involving 175 individuals showed that after three months, people using semaglutide lost 5.9% of their body weight, and after six months, they lost 10.9%. 

In that exact group, 94 (53.7%) lost at least 5% of their weight, and 26 (14.9%) lost 10% or more in just three months. Out of the 102 patients they followed for six months, 89 of them (87.3%) lost 5% or more of their weight, 56 (54.9%) lost 10% or more, 24 (23.5%) lost 15% or more, and 8 (7.8%) even managed to lose 20% or more.

Moreover, it’s important to note that there are some downsides to using semaglutide. It can be quite expensive, and some people may experience side effects. You may also need to take it for a long time or indefinitely. It’s important to remember that not everyone will have the same results with this medication. Finding the right combination of treatments that work best for an individual should be done in consultation with their doctor when addressing obesity.

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle and Diet

Identify Small, Measurable Goals

When you’re thinking about eating better, forget about just losing weight. Instead, concentrate on getting healthier. Steer clear of those trendy diets and zero in on small, doable goals that you can stick with. And make sure you can measure your progress. Set a timeframe to make those goals happen – it’ll keep you on track!

Adopt Tactics for Eating Well

If you’re unsure about changing your eating habits, try keeping a food diary for three to seven days – just jot down everything you eat or drink. You can even use a handy smartphone app for this. Here are some tricks for eating better:

  • Stick to a regular eating routine.
  • Pay attention to what your body tells you.
  • Mix up your food choices.

Eating every three to four hours can keep your blood sugar steady and boost your metabolism.

Eat a Variety of Foods

Eating healthy doesn’t mean ditching certain foods or an entire food group unless your doctor says so. It’s about enjoying a mix of foods to give your body all the good stuff it needs. Each food group brings unique nutrients, so make sure to grab a bit from each group to keep things balanced.

Drink Plenty of Water

Staying well-hydrated is key to good health. How much water you need varies based on factors like your health, how much you weigh, and how active you are. Drinking plain water is a great choice because it doesn’t contain any calories. This can be helpful if you’re watching your weight or looking to cut down on calories, especially if you switch from sugary drinks like regular soda to water.

Managing Emotions

People often turn to food to cope with their feelings without realizing it. Whether they’re feeling happy, sad, bored, excited, lonely, or stressed, these emotions can trigger eating when they’re not actually hungry. To avoid emotional eating, it’s helpful to suggest to patients that they take a moment to ask themselves if they’re genuinely hungry or if they’re eating to cope with their emotions. Encouraging them to consider seeking mental health support is also important.”

Health-Related Physical Fitness

If you’re dealing with obesity, focus on improving your body composition and cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. Try to include both activities that get your heart pumping (like walking or biking) and exercises that make your muscles work (like lifting weights). Start with a manageable 10 minutes of exercise and gradually add more time. Biking, walking, and swimming are great examples of aerobic activities that can help. So, mix it up, have fun, and take it one step at a time! 

Wrapping It Up Altogether

The year 2024 marks a crucial moment in the ongoing battle against obesity, a global health crisis affecting millions. The urgency to address this epidemic is underscored by its pervasive impact on public health, with severe consequences ranging from heart problems to diabetes, stroke, and various cancers. The continuous rise in obesity prevalence highlights the need for inventive approaches. This trend underscores the importance of accessing reliable healthcare resources. For those seeking authentic medications, finding the best Canadian online pharmacy is an essential step in this journey.

The Breakthrough of the Year for 2024 is undeniably the emergence of GLP-1 drugs, such as Wegovy, Ozempic, Zepbound, Mounjaro, and Saxenda. These medications, initially designed for diabetes treatment, have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in weight loss and managing related health issues. Notably, they go beyond addressing obesity alone, showing additional benefits like reducing the risk of heart failure, heart attacks, and strokes. Always consult your doctor for personalized solutions and advice so that you can make the right choices for your health and life!

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